Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trip Lists

I’m going to visit my brother and sister-in-law near Annapolis this weekend.  By myself.  I’ll say it again, so you can bask along with me.  By. Myself. 

I am an introvert and I crave time to myself.  I need it like food and water.  I’m serious, people.  And having two young kinds, I rarely get it.  So what happens is over time, I start coming a little undone…I get jittery, snappy, antsy, and extremely sensitive to the sounds of my family chewing food.  Seriously. 

So I sort of jumped at this chance to have a little getaway that includes 12 hours in the car by myself over the next 2 days.  To some people, this might sound annoying.  To me, it sounds glorious. 

List-making is essential for any trip, from my detailed packing list to my unrealistic list of things to accomplish before leaving.  For some reason, my brain thinks that leaving for a trip is a great opportunity to do extra projects, like clean out the car so it’s pleasant to travel in!  And clean the whole house so it looks good when I get back!  And clean out my purse so there’s nothing extra in there!  Um, yeah, not gonna happen.  I’ll be lucky to pack clean clothes and not forget something essential like my phone.  So here’s my trip in non-stressful lists: 

Top 3 reasons why this is going to be the best trip ever, in no particular order:
  1.  Being alone for 12 hours in the car. 
  2.  Visiting my brother and sister-in-law and meeting my new nephew!!
  3.  Being ALONE for 12 hours in the car.  
My playlist: 
  1. A Clockwork Orange book on cd
  2. Once Upon a Time, There Was You by Elizabeth Berg on cd
  3. Some cheesy murder mystery on cd
  4. Maroon 5
  5. Ella Fitzgerald
  6. John Coltrane
  7. Dan In Real Life Soundtrack
  8. Bruno Mars
  9. Silence. 
Things I’m looking forward to:
  1. Being witness to my nephew’s baptism.
  2. Catching up with bro and sis-in-law.
  3. Sleeping all night long without interruption for the first time in, well, too long.  Let’s just say that no one’s told my 3 ½ year old that he should be sleeping through the night by now.  
  4. Being near the water. 
  5. Hopefully catching a glimpse of my favorite little east coast city, Annapolis. 

And finally, an unedited photo of the current contents of my bag:

What?  Doesn't everyone need a hole punch and trash in their bag?  

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